Drinking & Dragons


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Character Generation


Your choice of:

  • 20 point buy (remember to use the Pathfinder one), or
  • 3d6 to each stat rolled, allocating to stats, then adding six dice, one at a time, adding 1d6 a stat of your choice (still keeping only top 3 dice).
    • If your result is under 15 point-, or over 25 point buy equivalents, you gain/lose until you are at that equivalent.
    • Example: "I want to be a sorcerer. I roll 3d6 for each stat. Sort the results, and put the highest score into Charisma, and lowest into Wisdom. I then decide I want a little more constitution and roll an extra d6 for constitution, charisma, and dexterity; I roll them and add them to the dice for those stats. I still don't like the top-three dice for dexterity and add another one. Happy with that, I add my last extra dice into intelligence and strength. I now find the top three dice for each stat and that's the score."



  • Core classes, plus
  • Oracle.
  • Witch.
  • Note: A few levels of Alchemist are on a few NPCs. It is, however, not open for PC-use.
  • Exhaustive list:
Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Oracle, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard.

Archetypes and Subdomains
  • These rules are not used.
  • If I decide to change this decision later, retroactive swapping will be allowed.
  • A few NPCs use a couple archetype ability swaps.

Prestige Classes
  • Core only.
  • In general, only a couple dips of Prestige Classes are used in the path.
  • Pathfinder is much less "Prestige Class Happy" than D&D 3/3.5 were. They're not used a lot, neither for PCs, NPCs, nor book filler. Sticking with [mixes of] base classes, or even straight single-classing, is typical.
  • Two thematic 3rd-party prestige classes are used in one encounter late in the path. Not opened.

  • Core only, except
  • Add the few "Oracle Only" spells from Advanced Player's Guide to the Cleric list.
  • The Witch spells from Advanced Player's Guide exist, for the Witch only.
  • Others may be added as encountered during the adventure path.

Equipment (including Magic Items)
  • Core only.
  • Others may be added as encountered during the adventure path.

  • Core only.
  • Extra Hex/Extra Revelation from Advanced Player's Guide.
  • Others may be added as encountered during the adventure path.
    • Don't hold your breath -- this list is SHORT.

House Rules

At this time, before discussing contract or playing, these is the only ones I'm putting in with a heavy hand.

  • I'm still crunching the numbers, but I believe we will be using the "Fast" advancement track for XP.
  • Remember, you do not "lose hit points", you "gain damage".
  • You do not "gain hit points" from healing; your "gained damage" number decreases.
  • Similarly, you do not "expend rounds per day of bard song", you "gain rounds of bard song sang".
  • While it sounds subtle, this GREATLY simplifies math, especially when buff spells eventually become part of the game.
  • To encourage character investment, costly material components for Raise Dead-type spells are reduced by 90% if cast by a party member or a party member who could cast a spell in that family.
    • The spells otherwise work as described, including the gaining of negative levels.
  • If not resurrected, somehow a replacement PC has exactly the same gear as the dearly departed, for better or for worse.
    • If the replacement PC wants different equipment, he's going to have to sell (at normal rates) the old PC's equipment.
    • No "I'm on a suicide mission, here, take all my stuff" cheese.
  • Background/rationale